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Hey @Iona_RO ,


Yeah, it`s really great that we have been talking things out 🙂  And I think you`re right, even though it`s only been a week, given how uncertain she is about everything at the moment, which is absolutely ok of course, it might be for the best to put a raincheck on all this. 


I really like video games, and going for walks in town really helps when my head`s spinning  😄  Doing a workout, especially dance workouts, and breathing exercises are two other things that help as well. 


Also, maybe it`s the fact that it was late at night and my anxiety was kicking in, but I`m feeling kinda embarrassed now, re-reading that blinken textbook sized message XD It sounds just so desperate and panicky, which is not a good thing obviously, so thank you for bearing with it. It was good to get to freak out of my system even if it did come out sounding like a mess of confusion XD 

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