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I can definitely understand you feeling nervous about returning to the workforce @-pringles-. I remember going back to work after taking a break, and just how nerve-wracking and overwhelming it all was. What helped me, was reminding myself that I am not the first person to be in this situation. Everyone has to start somewhere and I think most (if not all) organisations understand that and appreciate you being brave and putting yourself out there. 


I also want to say that it is so great to hear that you've got such wonderful support behind you, though I can imagine it would get quite overwhelming at times too. Talking to your case manager sounds like a great start though! I can certainly relate to your struggles with making friends and confidence, but just remember that you don't have to tackle it all at once. Sometimes its easier to focus on one step at a time, even if that is forcing yourself out of the house every once in a while or trying on a new outfit. But whatever happens, just remember that you are worthy and deserve to be proud of yourself 💜

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