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Hey @Maddycatcat1234567 

I just wanted to jump in after reading your post. I’m sorry to hear that you have been experiencing this and it is understandable how difficult this must be for you, but I’m really glad that you have shared this with us and I want you to know that we are all here for you!


It’s really great to hear that you’ve been feeling so much better and that your medication has been helpful. Taking medication can be really important and it’s okay if we need to take it, it is one of the many positive ways that can be helpful for people living with and experiencing ill mental health.


I know that you mentioned that your doctors have been thinking about taking you off your medication, and it’s important that this happens with their support. I want to remind you, that if this does change, or if you need to go back on the medicine, that it’s okay and is just as much of a testament to how strong and brave you are!


I’m sorry to hear about how your friend has been treating you, discrimination can be extremely difficult to deal with and no one deserves it. I can imagine how hurtful and upsetting it must be for you to know that your friend has been saying these things about you especially when you have trusted her with this. It is also very understandable why you’re worried that she will share these things with other people. You should be the one who decides what, who and how much you want to share with other people and you don’t need to explain this to anyone as it is your decision.  


It’s important to remember that these hurtful things that are being said are untrue and to not let it make you question yourself. You deserve to have people in your life who are supportive, understanding and love you for who you are and don’t believe these things that are being said.  


I also wanted to let you know that we have so many great articles and resources in our friendship collection that could be really helpful to have a look through, they have some really good tips, strategies and information about having healthy friendships. Do you think any of these might be helpful?

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