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Hey @Akinna , congrats on the green Ps! One more step and you'll have your full licence, that's awesome 🚙


I'm so glad to hear that you're heading in for a GP appointment on your own, and that you're feeling confident in advocating for yourself and what you need. I love what you said about nobody knowing your body better than you - it can be hard to hold onto that in the face of medical professionals telling you what they think is right for you, but ultimately what you think and feel is what really matters in this whole process. It sounds like you've got a really supportive GP on your hands, so hopefully the appointment goes well.


You mentioned as well that you're going to try and stop smiling when you're talking about your mental health with your doctors. I can definitely understand why you might do this - it can certainly be hard not to when you're talking about something heavy or uncomfortable. How do you hope your doctor's reaction might change if you stop masking when talking about self-harm and suicide?

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