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Hey @Akinna ,


Thank you for sharing what has been happening lately. It was impressive to read of the support you are receiving from your dad when he said he was 'impressed' with how you are handling these appointments. We hope that was an encouragement to you that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


As for your appointments with your psychiatrists/psychologist, as much as it is important for you to share what is happening, you must feel comfortable in doing so. Sometimes, this takes more than a few sessions before you can freely open up and share certain aspects including self-harm etc. Mental Health is a non-linear journey. As you journal, we hope that one day you will be able to look back on these records to see your progress and how far you have come. Journeys are not always predictable - especially mental health journeys. There will be times when it seems things are all too hard, yet there will be other times when it seems, "Oh, this is not too bad after all!" The main thing is for you to hang in there.


There is light ahead! 

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