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Hey @Akinna

How are you feeling after the weekend?

I absolutely love how you journal - I'm a big fan of colour coding what I write down too! Such a great way to really organise your thoughts and be able to really focus on the topics that might need to be looked at a bit deeper. I can understand wanting to get all the angry thoughts down when you don't have another outlet for them at the moment. Do you think that might be a sign that you might want to explore other avenues for doing this too? Maybe finding a way to feel more comfortable sharing these feelings with your psychologist, or doing something phyiscal like going for a walk or playing a sport to get that angry energy out? It would be so great to free up some space for you to be able to write down positive things about yourself too. We can certainly see lots of incredible strengths you have from your posts! And your dad clearly sees it as well. We really hope you get to a place where you can feel as proud of yourself as we all are 🙂


Letting your psychologist and psychiatrist know about more self-harm details sounds like a really good plan. I understand there are some anxieties that come with that, but regardless of the outcome, letting them know the full picture means they're are more likely to help than if you didn't. Have you thought about how you are going to bring it up with them? And how you're going to look after yourself after you have that conversation with them?



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