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TW: Health Concern

I had been having chest pains since Monday, and I had already had a doctor's appointment booked for the following day for an unrelated matter. I decided to inform my doctor about my chest pains when she immediately became concerned for me and scheduled in a blood test start after my appointment. So as the nurse was obtaining my second of four vials of blood, I passed out.The nurse called for reception as well my my doctor to provide me with a lollipop and some water. They were so caring and understanding. But then yesterday (Wednesday) was when I received some potentially deadly news. And @Blake_RO , I am most definitely and unfortunately not talking about awesome news. Another doctor phoned me on behalf of my doctor as she doesn't work on Wednesdays, and informed me that I tested positive to D-dimer, meaning that I potentially have a blood clot in my lung/s, which potentially explains the chest pains. Although it is not yet confirmed as to whether or not my chest pains were caused by blood clots. So I am definitely worried and have had a s**t sleep tonight. I was scheduled in to talk to my Kids Helpline counsellor last week on Sunday, but alas something happened as I couldn't get in touch with her. So that was a shame. I know that I can talk with her about this, this morning, since I am having the day off from adult school.

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