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Super frequent scribe

TW: I am looking for a father-like figure in my life.

My mother spoke with my father about the reason as to why she did not pay my school fees for my final year of secondary education at mainstream school (back when I was supposed to be in mainstream school). The reason was because I was being bullied relentlessly about my physical appearance ever since the first year. The school were threatening to take her to court and my mother told them bluntly that she would discuss with the judge all of the bullying that I faced. She never heard back from them, ever. My father told me just today, when mum brought up the topic after driving past my school, that 'the bullying really wasn't that bad' and that 'I should just get over it.' I think that my father is just a toxic individual. We try to do go out together the day after he has finished on call for work (once a month) in order to get closer, but it's just not working. When I was experiencing issues with the bus driver that I had real, genuine feelings for, he didn't care. I will bring this up with my private counsellor. 

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