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@ruby_t hmm... If you're not up for calling kids helpline right now, you could have a look around the forums to see if there's anyone you could chat with. I'll jot down some other ideas and you can decide if any of them appeal to you.

  • Journal about your feelings to try to get them off your chest
  • Try some distractions like watching a fav tv show or playing a video game
  • Download a meditation app and give it a go
  • Grab some pens/paper/paint/etc and try to draw your feelings (or anything you like really)
  • Have a bath or shower, and imagine yourself washing the feelings away
  • Find videos on youtube about how to manage/sit with difficult emotions
  • Head to bed and try to get some rest

Since you're over 18, you can always go check out the SANE Forums as well, it's another online community focused on supporting people with their mental health. They're a pretty lovely bunch 😉

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