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I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with all of that @wild , it sounds like a lot to manage on your own. You mentioned that you've tried to seek help for these issues in the past - have you ever seen a psychologist or counsellor to talk about what you're struggling with? 


It must be very difficult to be struggling with all of this and to feel unheard by your family. It sounds like they have been hoping that some of these issues would resolve themselves on their own over time, but it sounds like that hasn't been your experience. Is there anyone outside of your family that you trust to talk to about what's going on? 


I know that it can be quite difficult and intimidating to seek support in-person, especially if you're feeling anxious or unmotivated. If you think it might be helpful, we have a 1:1 online webchat service called PeerChat that might be a good place to start, so feel free to check it out and see what you think.


Keep an eye on your inbox @wild , I'm going to send you an email to check in 😊

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