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Casual scribe

Hi @Carli

I'm so sorry this person has been saying and implying such things. It can be so difficult to explore your sexuality, even without people gatekeeping the community. I'm so glad that your boyfriend is supportive of you 😊

Omnisexual is a totally valid multi-gender attraction, and it's amazing that you have found an identity that resonates with you. 

These negative experiences and imposter syndrome are unfortunately very common within our community, but please know that there is a whole national and international community out there, ready to support you too. It might be worth looking into local LGBTQIA+ youth groups and services in your area/state for further support and friends too, there's some really awesome ones around.

If you're comfortable, maybe sitting down and having a conversation with this friend might help, if you're wanting to stay friends. She might also be experiencing imposter syndrome, and projecting her insecurities onto you. This is in no way an excuse for her behaviour, but it can help to support each other through these thoughts and feelings.

I wish you the best 💜

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