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Hey @Greenfern thanks for answering my post.


I guess my father is very much a jokester who'd make racist and homophobic jokes ( alot.) but just for the laughs you know. I did come out to my parents as bi when i was like 14 i think (to my mum and she told my dad) and they didn't care. My dad still makes the jokes of me getting a girlfriend cause 'i'm gay'. My little sister always makes those jokes too, telling people that i'm a lesbian when i'm not, (I'm pansexual) but shes 11 and i just let her be, even though the word lesbian does give weird and negative feeling to me, not that being a lesbian is bad, i just definitely don't identify that way. My siblings are similar ages and i have told them my pronouns but they don't use them. I just figure that they don't think it's a big deal, and it's probably not. But now that they are both in high school they'll hopefully come across more diverse people and learn more.

So my family is supportive in that front but i feel my father just sees me a female (cause of how black and white he is) because of how anxious and scared i am, as it can be seen as being coy. I just am terrified of the time that i tell them, scared of what they say or do. 


In relation to the LGBTQIA+ uni groups, there is one but i don't know much about it and its all online. I think it's really just a hang out thing and i don't want that, you know? I'd love to find some communities to find more advice but it's hard telling people about your troubles and being so vulnerable. Especially when it's not anonymous. So i don't know. 


I do miss my friend and having her be able to help take my mind off things with activities. It's difficult now with the time zone difference and her living out and on her own. I hope to find new friends at university but i didn't expect so much older people to be at uni. I thought it would be young adults, but good for the adults figuring their life out.


But thanks for the reply. It all helps heaps.

Regards, Lee

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