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Super frequent scribe


negative thoughts, negative food relationships, psych ward







im struggling mentally 

1. break up with my ex, as much as it was toxic it has made me feel negative about myself 

2. people saying horrible shit and bringing up my ex 


sometimes I just can't do it, I don't even want to get out of my bed yet I have to for school, which also doesn't help me at all mentally, they say they have support yet go and tell your parents then your parents gaslight you into being fine saying things like "you are fine, you have it easier than I did growing up".

i don't have an appetite anymore because I just can't bring myself to eat anything very often, ill eat when someone makes me food or if i need a snack but ill skip breakfast and lunch almost every day I'm home.


sometimes I wonder what it would be like to spend a little while in a psych ward because I need a break from my mentally distressing life and I just need to get away from people for a while

I cant tell anyone though because they will either not give a shit or care too much.


I'm so sick of this.

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