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Hey @Cinnamon_Bear

I just wanted to jump in and let you know that we have a really great article about what psychologists do and what it's like to see a psychologist which I thought you may find helpful. I know that you were also wanting to hear more about other people's experiences, and I wanted to share this  article with you where a young person shares their personal experience of seeing a psychologist for depression and anxiety. 


I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling lonely recently. Feelings of loneliness can be really tough to experience and navigate through but it is something that we all experience and there are things to do to take care of ourselves when we are feeling this way. I wanted to share this post with you which you may find helpful. It has some information about loneliness and includes some really great resources, articles and a snapshot of a previous Ask Me Almost Anything event where we spoke with our guest psychologist Rashida about loneliness. 

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