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Hey @floatinglife

I just wanted to jump in after reading your post! I am really sorry to hear that you have been experiencing this and that people have made those comments about you - that is awful and no one should ever have to experience that. Racism is never okay and I'm really sorry that this has been going on for you, it is understandable how hard this must be for you. 


I was wondering whether you have any supports through your university that you could speak to about this? If you feel comfortable, you could also report some of the racist behaviour that you have been experiencing to your university as this is something that no one should be experiencing and racism is never okay.


I know that you mentioned that you have moved countries for university, and was wondering if you felt comfortable sharing more about your culture with us? We also have a culture space where you can share more about your culture,  connect with, and read about other young people who have shared about their culture and some of the challenges that they have experienced. 


I'm really glad that you have been able to find our Online Community and talk about this with us. Remember that we are all here to listen and support you and that you aren't alone. 

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