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Wow @Qingli_Dawn !! 

This is such a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us and for sharing your own experience. I know many people will be able to resinate with this post and it can be a really hard and challenging thing to experience so I'm really glad that you've been able to shed some light on this.


It's so lovely to hear that you've been able to find such special ways to remain connected and validated in your identity! If you feel comfortable sharing, I'd love to hear more about your culture and about the food and special occasions.


I love that you've been able to find such creative ways of connecting to your culture when you're feeling disconnected. You must have so many beautiful collages. 


When I'm feeling this way, I love doing traditional art, reaching out to my family and eating food from my culture (I've been trying to learn how to cook some of the dishes but they still never taste as good as when my nan used to make them). I will definitely have to start making some collages - I always love looking at photos so I don't know what I haven't thought of doing something like this sooner.


Thank you again for sharing this with us, I look forward to seeing what others do to remain connected when feeling this way💜

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