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I don't want a psychologist anymore

I've wanted a psychologist for ages. I've been going through shit for the past three years because of friendship drama, and now that I've moved schools I just wanted to recover from the trauma with a psychologist. I got a referral for a free psychologist last year, and finally got around to using it recently. Except it wasn't free for some reason? I only got a small rebate? Anyway now I've done two sessions but I don't want to do it anymore. I don't even want a different psychologist, I just want none. I feel fine? I was thinking about booking an appointment with my counsellor, but now I feel like I don't even need that. If anything I just want a psychiatrist to prescribe me anxiety meds and be done with it. I literally just told my friend who said "my mum wants me to take antidepressants and if that'll get her off my back about therapy I'll do it" that therapy, not meds, is the only long-term solution. But still, I suddenly don't feel affected by trauma, and my only problem is anxiety that just feels like a biological problem at this point. So yeah, I feel fine. I have good friends now. I've started going to an open floor dance class, so doing physical stuff that's good for my mental health. I can deal with my problems better than psychologists seem to be able to because I'm used to dealing with myself, I know myself better, and I'm constantly psycho-analysing myself, so everyone I go to never really has anything new to bring to the table. They really just feel like people to vent to but not really give any proper solutions, and I can just do that for free. But I guess what I'm getting at is, I know people go through phases where they suddenly think they're cured of everything but they still need help, so is that me? Do I just need to find another psychologist? Or am I actually okay now and it's okay to just get the anxiety meds?

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