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Rookie scribe

My relationship is stuck between a rock and a hard place

I'm faced with two hard choices - a breakup, or staying with someone I don't know if I want to be with.


I have a boyfriend that I've been seeing for 7 months now.


Recently, I've been feeling like everything is one-sided - I start conversations, I text him first, I put in most of the effort.

I would bring it up to him - however this has happened a few times before and usually resolved themselves.


I'm just tired of being often treated as a second priority to his friends (most of which are immature and I do not get along with)


I've tried breaking up with him in the past - however as soon as I do, I feel like I made a mistake and my reason for breaking up was insignificant, and the good memories come rushing back.


I don't find enjoyment in our relationship when he acts like this either, yet it's hard to break up.


What do you guys think?

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