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Hi CosmicWolf798, 


Sorry to hear you are going through this. Although I didn't have the same degree of positive feelings towards that person as you seem to have, I've experienced a very saddening breakup in the past as well, and it also was ended by them relatively suddently. Thus, I can somewhat relate to you and how hard it is at the moment. Just wondering, did your girlfriend give you any reasons for breaking up? Or were there any signs/indications that things aren't as well as before? I know people do not have to necessarily give a reason for breaking up, but it can be nice to have some closure. Also, did she mention anything about friendship potentially? I'm just wondering what are your options with her going forward.


Regardless of whether friendship may be an option after some time, for now it is good to distance yourself from her. I personally found it helpful to really mourn the relationship the first few days, especially since it meant a lot to you. This release of emotions can also help with moving on later. It is also helpful to talk to close others about what you are going through. After the more intense parts of sadness have passed, I think it's helpful to invest more time in other parts of life, in other activities and people that make you feel happy. For me, what really helped was meeting new people and joining new activities that I ended up really really liking. It fills the void in the short term, and it provides new options and new network in the long-term.


Nonetheless, I think whatever I have mentioned is based on the idea that the breakup was certain and final. From what you have described, it seems that it is final. It would not be good for you to hold on to feelings for her as she has decided to move on.


Hope this response helps! At the moment, it can feel like you lost something, you lost an important part of your life and happiness that you can never get back. But on the other hand, it is an opportunity. It gives you more time and space for new things and new people you may end up liking even more! (personal experience)



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