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Hi @Ishi

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience and how you are feeling. I can imagine it would be very challenging to be an international student, at my university I have spoken to other international students and many feel the same way. Everything you have done is also inspiring because it is very brave of you to do all this in another country. 


It's good that you are trying to be positive by not giving up and hoping that things would get better, however, it is also absolutely okay to just have a break and not push yourself to your limits. Indulge in some self-care and remember to take care of yourself because your mental and physical health is what is most important. Some ways you could recharge is to have some "me" time - this could be things like eating healthy foods, getting good sleep, doing something fun and just treating yourself. Remember not everything has to be perfect and do not be hard on yourself, we are only human. Take care and all the best 🙂 

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