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Hi, thank you for sharing, this must be really hard and exhausting for you, especially since your friends aren't trying to be involved in your interest. I think there is a positive in this, it sounds like you are willing to give everything a go and try new things that's amazing and can be really hard at times. It is however okay to not be interested in the things your friends are some of my closest friends are the complete opposite of me and we are completely interested in different things but we care, support and respect each other in everyday possible which is also important for me in friendships.  Have you ever tried putting a boundary with them by just saying like "Oh I'm not really interested in that sort of thing, but I am happy to sit and listen to you talk about it?" This can be hard I know especially when you want to be friends or been friends with them a long time, sometimes you have to put yourself first and watch and do the activities you are interested in if they make you happy. Have you tried making friends with people who share your interest, even through groups and community clubs are great ways of meeting people with your interest, that way you can have someone to discuss your interest in even online spaces are handy to discuss your interest with others. 


UA by the way is amazing and I want another season 

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