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Hi @visions_9374,

As someone who’s autistic I can relate to being ‘overly sensitive.’ Things that everyone can overlooked really get to me and most people don’t seem to understand. Sometimes I can view it as having extreme empathy other times I feel ridiculous. But in time I’ve managed to find appreciation for the way I view the world. I don’t know if you related but I seem to pay more attention to things people skip over. Like I’ll notice if people are acting strange or got a hair cut or something. It may not be particularly useful, but I enjoy it.


I agree with Hannah about reaching out to someone in your life that you feel is safe and seeking further mental health help if possible. It is perfectly okay to have things that you find triggering, but it seems to be causing you a serious amount of distress. Therapy and even mindfulness can help as it can teach you how to respond to triggers in a way that is manageable for you. But honestly it is just trial and error to find something that makes existing easier.


It is incredibly difficult to have to carry the trauma that is placed on you for simply existing as an autistic human. One day it won’t feel as heavy, but it’ll probably take longer than is fair. Just know that you have people in your life and this community that are willing to support you and share the burden.


All the best.

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