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Dear @SprlSllt ,


Thank you for sharing what's been happening for you with the ReachOut community. This in itself is a very brave step, an perhaps one step closer to seeking support. I'm sorry to hear of your fear in showing your face to others. It sounds like you have been grappling with this for a number of years now. It is understandable that a mask can be a form of security for some people, yet I hear how much you want to be able to "let it go and move on".


I hear you are wanting to speak to someone about this, including your parents, but have not yet plucked up the courage to do so. I'm wondering whether these following articles will be helpful for you:

5 ways to get your parents to really listen to you

You may also want to check-out some info about anxiety and how to get immediate relief from anxiety, as well as long term help.


At the same time, have you ever spoken to someone from KidsHelpline before? You can talk to a counsellor over the phone (1800 55 1800) or via webchat.


Well done on making the first step. You CAN do it!


I look forward to hearing how things go for you.


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