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Casual scribe

What is everyone's thoughts on 'it is what it is'?

Do you tell yourself this when faced with adversity? When things don't go according to plan? Is it a good thing to always use this or can it be detrimental? 

Whenever I'm faced with trials and tribulations, I never used to handle it well when I was younger. I'd get upset, lash out and say 'why me?'. As I've gotten older these things don't affect me anywhere near as much as they used to. I can't exactly pinpoint when I started telling myself it is what it is, but ever since I have been saying that after things that ARE NOT in my control affect my life, I feel more resilient. Of course this can only go so far but I think understanding that bad things will always happen, (many of which are completely and totally out of my hands), I realise there's nothing I could have done so why waste time and energy putting myself down over it. So I say it is what it is and keep moving forward.


Curious to hear anyone's thoughts on this as well as their experiences. Again, I know it is very difficult to apply this to certain situations.

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