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What would you say to your past self?

Often at times we get so caught up on what's happening in our lives now or the negative things that have happened to us. We forget to be kind to ourselves and forget how far we might have come, even something really small can have significant differences on how we react to things that would have previously upset us and how much we have changed. 


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I have certainly noticed a difference in the past year, from feeling like I lost everything to having a new perspective and understanding of those things, and now I react differently and more positively. Yes looking back at that time is hard but I like to see how far I have come. 


Here is what I would say to myself:

You do not have to make everyone happy, especially if it is hurting you, what matters is putting in the best you can every day. The world is not against you and it is okay to be content with where you are in life, that is still growth ❤️


What would you say to your past self? 

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