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@Stormy-RO I love this post!! 😍
The last time I stood up for myself was when I was establishing boundaries with a co-worker who was a bit nosy and judgemental. Usually, I'm the type to people please and give an answer to her interrogative questions, but I realised that it was draining my own energy and time and that I deserved to work in an environment that felt safe. 

To stand up for myself, I would ask a follow up question to her questions and play 'dumb'. The question I would ask is 'What do you mean by that?' 'I'm struggling to understand where you're coming from, would you be able to explain what you mean?". By asking these questions, it left her feeling embarrassed because she had to explain the reasoning behind her questions and her intentions. I would defintely recommend this if you're not wanting to create more conflict because she stopped bothering me afterwards because she knew she wasn't going to get a reaction from me! Establishing boundaries can be so tricky but it's worth it in the long run because YOU matter the most. 💛

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