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Thank you for replying. My mum and sister are receiving Centrelink. I'm not really sure what they earn from that as it isn't something we discuss casually. 


I'm not sure what the suspected condition of mine is called but there are two things my GP is worried it could be. My periods and imbalanced hormones have been a very painful and terrible problem ever since I started getting them but only now have I been told it could actually be serious. Thank you for sharing your own experiences. It helps me feel like I'm not so alone. 


I haven't been able to see my psychologist since I only see him monthly. It was the only plan that could be bulk billed (12 appointments spread out monthly). It's hard not being able to speak to somebody weekly or even fortnightly but it's better than nothing. 


I do have an appointment with him on the 22nd and I am hoping to be able to apply for another plan with him.


Thank you again!


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