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Hey @uncaged thanks for sharing with us about your journey with your sexuality. It can be really hard to open up about stuff like this so good on you for doing so. 


I will echo what @Greenfern has said about not needing to define yourself right away, and taking your time to explore your attraction with different people as you go. Sexuality is a spectrum, and when we're young our hormones are also a bit hectic which can definitely add to the confusion! 


It's always helpful to explore these feelings in a safe space, especially if you're worried about how others might respond. QLife are a wonderful service where you can call and chat to someone about this journey, I believe all of the staff there are queer so you can seek out that perspective that you're looking for. We've also got resources and articles about exploring sexuality here, if you wanna have a read 😊


I wish you all the best as you explore your sexuality, and feel free to utilise the forums as much as needed to help you on this journey of self-discovery! 🌈💚

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