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Hi @uncaged,


Thank you for sharing your experience. 
I just wanted to chime in after seeing your post. 
@Lapis_Anteater and @Greenfern @are absolutely right. Sexuality is complex and isn’t fixed. 
I suggest that you have a look at this video

It makes you go on a reflection about your sexuality. 
Please understand that not having a crush on a girl means that your gay, sometimes there might not be a girl around that you be into or form a ‘crush’. Not every straight person are going to be attracted to every single person opposite gender of them and like wise for gay and bisexual people.


I understand that being your age [assuming around teenage] you want to experience having a crush and that desire may make you question if you’re actually attracted to girls or not. I have a similar experience I wonder sometimes if I’m actually attracted to guys or not. My advice to you is not to  put pressure on finding a crush or rushing into having feeling for someone. I know that’s easier said than done I really do because I’ve been similar but that’s the only way you’ll know if you truely like someone regardless of gender. It’s when there’s no pressure to like someone.


I hope this helps. 

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