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TW Transphobia: Spotlight on De-transitioning

Trans Day Of Visibility Gay GIF


It’s been about a week since the spotlight on de-transitioning came out. How are my fellow trans/gender diverse/questioning people holding up? If you haven’t seen this piece of ‘journalism’ I would recommend against it, just for the sake of your own wellbeing. It was infuriating to watch but more importantly it is already having a significant negative impact on the way the trans community is being perceived (something we absolutely do not need).


I just wanted to let you guys know that this community supports you and that you are valid. I really hope that you feel safe and have people in your life that see you the way you see yourself. For anyone struggling with gender dysphoria, I promise you, it does get so much better than right now.


Please keep going so you can live as your authentic self. Whomever it may be. There is no right way to be trans. Gender is a spectrum and if you don’t fit at either end, that’s completely okay. I really hope you have all the love and support. And to any de-transitioners, I hope you can find comfort and peace within yourself and that you too have all the love and support.


The thing the spotlight completely left out was trans joy/gender euphoria so let’s create some. If you have already started transitioning, what so far has brought you gender euphoria? If you haven’t started transitioning, what are you looking forward to the most?


Here are some of my early gender euphoria experiences:

  • Getting my first masculine haircut
  • Getting masculine cut jeans (did not realise that it made a difference 😂)
  • Getting my first binder

These experiences made me finally feel at home within myself. I looked like me. I never really expected it to make that much of a difference but I’m so so happy it did.


Please show some love for the trans/gender diverse youth in this community! To any people who are well into their journey, if you can, share your story. Because we exist and we will continue to exist, no matter what.  


Planned Parenthood Lgbt GIF by Creative Courage

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