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Yo wassup@gay_disabled_human we literally have so much in common


Music artists: The Beatles, Alice Cooper, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish,Jordan Sweeto, Bo Burnham, Jakeneutron, the list goes on!

fav music genre: Rock, electronic, musical soundtracks

fav subject: art, theatre, any maths involving data

hobbies: drawing, animating, music, being resident weirdo of my year level

pets: 1 dog, 1 blue tongue lizard

fav animals: foxes, puppies, bunnies, centaurs

fav authors: Sarah J Maas, Nate Diana Stevenson

fav shows/movies: Steven Universe, Regular Show, The Owl House (HAVENT SEEN LAST 2 SPECIALS YET SO DONT SPOIL PLS), Amphibia, Sailor Moon, Friends, She-ra (actually finished few months ago)

fav musicals: Hamilton, Six, Into the Woods



Slightly Demigirl I think cos I like she/they pronouns

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