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Hey @sunset_hues 


This is something I can totally relate to and perfectly understand myself, as I used to do this a lot. I often think there is a massive stigma around being in your 20s and the expectation on what your 20s are meant to be. 

Something I focus on now is “what do I want.” This helps me when I do start to compare myself that they are doing what they want, I can only do what I want and I have to take the steps forward to do that. 

Also there are so many pathways now whether it’s careers, friends, relationships, money, goals etc. That only you can choose the path that works for you and I often remind myself of that and that goals can change in the matter of minutes a 10 year goal is good to have but can change when the world introduces you to something new. I’ve especially had that experience doing my degree that since leaving school I am more confused about what I want after uni because there are so many amazing options and I’m okay with that. 

Something I also did I recognise those close around me, those lives that are actually matter to me. Not those I haven’t spoken to in years this way when it comes to comparing myself, I only have a small overwhelming circle but at the same time feel happy and proud for those friends living their life. 

I definitely agree with deactivating social media, I give myself a social media detoxify at least once a week. 


Yes these are detailed explanations but I hope these help!! 

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