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Hi @sunset_hues 


This is something that’s been on my mind recently. Most of my cohort are finishing their bachelor degrees this year and I’ve essentially completed one semester’s worth of classes due to mental health issues. I try to not compare my progress to other peoples, but it can be difficult. What I find helpful is to focus on the things that I love and that make me happy. Honestly, I’m not going to get a report card when I die that ranks my performance and subtracts marks for taking too long (at least I hope not 😂) so I don't think it's too much of an issue. I like to spend time with my friends, they never make me feel like I’m less than them because I’m behind. They really encourage and believe in me especially when I can't. 


In the end, I am the only one who will have to live my life so really there’s no one I can really compare myself to. Everyone has different struggles and different ideas of an acceptable life. I know there are a lot of things that I will probably never be able to do but I still can do so many of the things I enjoy. My life is not for everyone and that’s okay, it’s not meant to be, it’s for me. I’m satisfied with it, and I worked so hard to be able to live comfortably. Everyone has limitations, some people are just lucky enough that they can hide them.


Those are some really helpful changes to make! Very challenging to implement, especially at the start but so important.

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