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I can definitely relate to that. the thing that triggered these feelings is actually going for a new opportunity and seeing people much younger than me trying out and someone who was in the same year as me doing the training. So you're (and by extension I'm) not alone with that, it's tough 💛


hahahah I chuckled at the image of the report card, I can just imagine some greater entity sitting there with a chalkboard and abacus 😂 

I just wanted to say I really appreciate your perspectives here (and all the other posts you've commented on/posted). Im so glad you have such lovely friends who have your back, and your perspective is so liberating and insightful. I'm proud of you for getting to this point of greater acceptance and I'll keep trying to get myself there too. After all, despite all the external pressures we are the only ones who have to live our lives and we are the only ones who have to deal intimately with the consequences of how we choose to live it. Might as well live in a way that makes us happy. 

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