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Hi @cookiebread02 ,


Firstly, pat yourself on the back for being aware and taking the first step in changing your current situation. That is such a fantastic quality to have, and you are very courageous to know that you are struggling at the moment and, therefore, reaching out and that in itself is a huge step towards growth and progress. 


Secondly, I would like to say that you described me right now... you are not alone; I am in the same position of feeling overwhelmed with my studies, getting assessments done, keeping up with emails, and focusing on work. I am 19, and we are both young. I think you are doing fantastic, having a job and also going to school, managing homework, but also being at that age where you are trying to build and maintain friendships/relationships that can be a lot of pressure. 


It is great to hear that despite all this, you have tried a few strategies to manage your life, be proud of yourself and be compassionate towards you. I see that your school counsellor isn't always available to chat, which can be difficult when you are going through intense emotions at different moments, so I want to ask if you know any organisations that provide one-session emergency counselling for people who need to talk to someone at that difficult moment, I have previously used some of those services. They help when needed and cannot wait until you see a counsellor or psychologist since they require appointments. I strongly encourage you to give these a go when you need them; they are safe and confidential. 

Another excellent resource is Reach Out's peer chat, which is a more 1:1 chat with a trained peer who has lived experience and can discuss what's on your mind; even though that is not an emergency counselling support option, it is still helpful to have in mind. 


Please let me know what you think of these and if you have tried any. Is it something that would be useful? 


Take care of yourself, rest, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! 😊



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