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Hey @Turquoise_Hamster

Thats a long way to come and it is not always easy yo make those sorts of changes in yourself. It can be exhausting and tough but totally worth it, you must feel really proud of yourself. 


When I reflect on my mental health journey I totally get it, missing things that you liked by made your mental health worse. Its definitely a tough process and can be really hard to let go of them, even when you don't know at the time that was what making it worse for you. There are aspects I miss and even people I miss that were in my life for a long time. 


However, I try to remind myself how far I've come and that the people I miss are in different stages and they have changed as well. Recently a friend I drifted from in school, we've been reaching out to each other and talking again and they have changed as well, that were both in better places where we can be friends without making our mental health worse. Thats were I feel excited and sad and it can be overwhelming, especially when it feels like you've lost something special to you. I always like to look how far I've come and how much I have achieved since then.  


Self advocacy and self love is exhausting but it so important to you and your health. It can set you up for a good day or help you on a bad day.

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