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Rookie scribe

How to make friends...

Six days ago I met this guy at a seminar and we got into a really long conversation after it had finished, initiated because he was interested in my presentation. I'm talking like two hours before he asked for my socials and we parted ways. Not only that, but since we were both going the same way home, we walked together for quite some time, and once we reached where he was meant to turn off, he asked to walk me home so we could keep talking. I usually find communication difficult (I'm autistic) but he just seemed really easy to talk to, he was funny and also a giant nerd like me. I sent him a message a day after and he responded and we conversed about six times until he just liked a text I sent, and we haven't spoken since then. I thought he was really nice and would like to be friends, but he isn't someone I am going to really run into unless we decide to meet up. I don't know whether he enjoyed talking to me too and if it would come off as weird to ask to hang out given we have only spoken once. I don't know when would be appropriate to ask that, should I wait a few weeks or ask now ? Is the fact he didn't respond to my last text an indication he doesn't want to talk to me ? I don't know whether to pursue him or not say anything. I don't have too many positive social interactions so I don't know if I'm overblowing this. Maybe he is just really extroverted and friendly. I was thinking of just telling him that I'm bad at reading people and knowing what is socially acceptable but I enjoyed talking to him and would like to hang out some time, but I don't know if that is too direct. I am also scared of rejection so there is that, or making him feel uncomfortable. I also don't want to give off the impression that I am asking for a date or something, I just want to be friends.

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