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Hey @Red_Flamingo I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so down, and it is always difficult when it feels like there isn't really a reason for it. It is good that you are continuing to connect with your supports when things are feeling extra challenging, and it sounds like you have some coming up that will hopefully be really helpful for you right now.


When it comes to bad days, it can be helpful to create a 'coping toolkit' for yourself. Often when we're feeling particularly low, it can be harder to remember the things we know to be helpful. It can be similar to a safety plan, but focused more on the things that help outside of being in crisis. It can include things like mindfulness and grounding skills, distraction options like tv shows or a list of films you find comforting, journalling, crafting and hobbies, exercise, as well as a list of safe people you can call or reach out to. You could look here or here for some more ideas as well. 


I'm glad you've taken steps to help make your space safer tonight, and hope that you enjoy your movie!

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