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Hey @Pacific_Aardvark


Firstly I applaud you for moving to a new country to do your uni, it would have taken so much courage for you to do that as it's not an easy thing to move so far from family and what you know.


As for your loneliness, have you tried joining activities or groups within your university? I currently study online but when I was at university in person there were often social events planned at both the university accomodation and university in general, these included things like social nights and pool competitions. There is also generally a range of groups available to join at universities, even if there isn't something you currently enjoy you could try out a new skill/hobby? I know it could bring up a lot of anxiety going to these groups and events for the first time but once you meet people you'll feel much more comfortable! 

I also see you are suffering from worsening mental health issues since moving, and that you think it may be partly from homesickness. Have you tried looking for cultural groups near where you are living? Maybe meeting with people of the same culture will make you feel more at home and connected to your culture back home. You could also try talking to your family, they may have some good advice/support for you or maybe they could even send a care package with some reminders of things from your home country! 

You could also get in touch with your University counselling program to chat about the issues you are currently going through. Every University has some sort of counselling program for students to use free of charge which may be useful for you. Otherwise there is a great service on here called PeerChat where you can talk one on one with a peer worker and get some advice. 

Anyways I hope your uni goes well for you and you have a great experience! And good luck with working these issues out I hope it all leads to a great outcome for you 

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