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Hey @Lemon_Dolphin, thanks for your reply!

It's so nice to hear you're feeling better lately, and I'm glad you're taking a proactive approach and thinking about what could make you happier. I can imagine how it might seem a little strange to talk to a counsellor when you're feeling better, but it can be an ideal time to talk to one when you're less overwhelmed.

I noticed you mention recently that you were dealing with losing someone close to you, I think it could be useful to see a counsellor and talk things through. Having someone impartial who will listen without judgement can be so helpful for getting perspective on a situation.

It's totally okay if you're still a little worried, talking to a new counsellor can be a lot, but establishing that relationship might be a good opportunity to support you through any new challenges that come up in the future. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and book a session in when you weren't feeling well, though, I'm wondering if you can think of some things to talk with them about now that you're feeling better?

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