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Hi @Lemon_Dolphin

Thanks for sharing. When I was seeing a counsellor I often found the same thing almost every time I went to see them, like I was feeling better and didn't need to. However, when I got there we would talk about things going on in my life and it became quite beneficial. Even then maybe a week or two after seeing them something would feel wrong and I was struggling again but during the sessions where I was okay, we would go through coping mechanisms and how to calm myself down during those bad days and challenge my thinking from those bad days plus so much more. I would recommend trying a couple of sessions after you see them and if you don't want to continue that's totally okay, sometimes you don't know what's going to happen until you give it ago. It also okay to be anxious about the session as well, I remember my first session thinking this is what I am going to talk about with them, and then completely talking about something else that we found to be the start of why my mental health was bad. I hope this helps and all the best 

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