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Hey @Lemon_Dolphin,

I'm glad you have an idea of what you can talk about when the session comes around. It can be such a relief to talk about these things with someone who has experience and figure out how to work through all the thoughts and feelings that come with them.

I hear you. When we have those great days a counselor can be the furthest thing from our mind, but it can also be the best time to think about how you're going to cope when things are a little tougher. It's hard to tell what might happen in the future but learning to manage what might come up is important.

It's totally okay that you're feeling nervous. Lots of people here can relate to you around going to therapy for the first time, it might help to read about what its like getting professional help. There's some great replies in that post with people sharing their own experiences of not knowing what to expect and the feelings that can pop up beforehand.

Thank you for sharing how you've been feeling about things recently.

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