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Be assured that you aren't betraying your friend. At some stage, you may have wanted to stay friends with this person forever, but that permanence isn't a binding contract you sign for any friendship. It's normal for external circumstances to interfere with friendships, and unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the friendship), most friendships don't last for your whole life.


If anything, the fact that you didn't choose this outcome should mean that you aren't betraying your friend. You aren't intentionally harming your friend, and intention is a pretty important component of betrayal. On your friend's side of things, it would be concerning if they were codependent with you, so if they weren't, then ideally they wouldn't feel betrayed by this circumstance either. I don't know your exact situation regarding how independent you might be in a few years, but if you find yourself wanting to talk to your friend then, there likely wouldn't be anything stopping you from reaching out, even if they don't respond in a way you'd like. Otherwise, you can still appreciate the memories for what they were, and acknowledge that maybe they were meant to remain in this time and place.



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