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Hey @uncaged

Look, feeling jealous is a human feeling and we all feel this, so don't worry. Especially when someone is comparing people.

While being competitive can be a negative aspect, it could also be a positive aspect. An example of being more competitive makes you more likely to be more engaged in what you are doing.

For the child actors, it's great that they are able to participate is a big ip such as PJO. But do remember that most of child actors have connections to the acting industry or that they have been building their acting resume when they were even younger. And while the acting in the movies and social media edits of the actors would show a glamourous side, it doesn't show how they might feel behind the screen. 

In the end, try to go by your own pace and see where you can go. While you might not have the same support as the child actors, you are competitive. And you can use that competitiveness as a way to get the life you want.

Hope this rant of a bit helps you.

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