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random things i want to get off my chest

Hi just little rant about everyday things addressed to society in general

-If I initially overreact towards something it's just me processing how unexpected it was BUT ITS NOT MY PERMENANT REACTION so please don't get rid of it until I'm given time to calm down and plan out how I'll deal with it

-PLEASE use autistic instead of 'person with autism', i know they sound similar but the second one implies autism doesn't make me human WHICH IT DOES

-PLEASE use she/her pronouns INTERCHANGEABLY when refering to me (as in call me she in one sentence then they in another)

-When I say 'I want to be left alone' IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL so please don't be annoyed or frustrated (especially if you say you're ok with it but in an annoyed or frustrated tone)

-Listening to angsty music when sad helps me feel whatever sad/anger/stress I'm feeling at the moment in its entirety to let it go. To make sure it doesn't negatively affect my day to day life I don't listen to it when happy. When you confiscate and/or shame said angsty music you take away a crucial outlet that helps me process my feelings.

-Just cos I'm autistic does NOT mean you can treat me like a child-I'm perfectly capable of understanding and doing complex things (proof: Shakespeare uses the antagonist Don Pedro in the play Much Ado about Nothing to very subtly reveal the true villainy( ie the prejudices and misogny in Messina's patriachial customs and the men who take it too seriously) of other characters in the play to suggest what is and isn't favourable in civic society)

-I am GOING TO GET EMBARRASSED if you call me 'honey' or 'sweetie' in a clothes and makeup shop full of popular, judgemental 13 year olds OK?!

-I'm an introvert which means I feel most comfortable being alone with something creative (eg drawing) or with a story (eg book or TV show). I understand most of society hates introverts so I'm doing my best to outlearn these qualities BUT ITS HARD OK?!


-I don't find socialising as easy as others, there's so many unspoken rules that I'm SUPPOSSED to know but DON'T

-What may not be a big deal to you may be a big deal to me (eg loud noisy rooms)

-Before you go 'don't put so much pressure on yourself', I've functioned throughout my entire life putting pressure on myself to be quote unquote normal and tolerable so I CAN'T just magically turn off this 24/7 pressure off even if I wanted to

-Just cos I live with my parents doesn't mean I'm lazy (I would love to move out its just finances are confusing)



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