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Hey there again @idkbro

Moving on from a relationship is extrememly hard, especially when you have used a long duration of time to connect with the person you like. And it's going to take a long time to heal from being heartbroken.

Its good that you understand from the situation that Grace isn't the person that you are putting your frustrations on. Or that your relations with Grace could have ended or deteriorated.

While you now understand that Kyle is potentially and purposefully leading you on, it might be a good time to take a break from your friendship with Kyle. Especially knowing that he is affecting your mental health in way.

And remember, you deserved to be loved too. Just because of a person had let you down, doesn't mean that you are not deserving of being loved. Use these experiences as a way to help you to find other frineds or crush/potential signficant others. 

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