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Overcoming feeling defeated in the new year

Around the end of January, people can feel emotionally defeated because they have not always had the best start or they haven't achieved what they wanted and feel like the rest of the year will be the worst and it can be even harder with social media now.

sad over it GIF by The Knocks


It is okay to feel this way, but January does not determine the rest of your year. You can have some good months and some bad months. You just have to remind yourself that nothing stays the same and can improve. You could also start your year again. 


Here are a couple of things I like to do to remind myself it is okay

- when I plan goals I plan them for the year, not just January so I give myself time to complete them but also break them into smaller steps to be less overwhelmed 

- Use a visual display of goals, and vision boards, written down, written on a mirror/whiteboard for me to see

- Take a little bit more self-care during those times I am feeling defeated 

- Change my goals when they don't suit me anymore 

- Plan when possible, make plans with friends or family in advance to have something to look forward 

- Challenge myself to read something I'm not used to, try baking something challenging etc 

- Step back from social media (I live by this one)


I would love to hear what other people do when feeling defeated, especially in the new year.


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