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Hey @Cup

I am sorry to hear that today has been so difficult for you and that you are feeling the way that you are. I am also very sorry to hear that you were sexually assaulted by your ex-partner and someone in December. I want to acknowledge how much strength it takes to open up about this, you should be really proud of yourself for taking such a huge step.

I want to remind you that this was not your fault in anyway. It is very common for victims to blame themselves for what happened – but it is never their fault. No one should ever touch you without your consent. I know you mentioned that when it happened you couldn’t move, that must have been very scary to experience. I want you to know that this is a very normal reaction to a trauma – and it still doesn’t mean that what happened to you was okay or your fault. It is very understandable that you are feeling the way you are and you are not alone in feeling this way.

I was wondering if you have had been able to give 1800Respect a call yet? They provide support to victims and would be able to talk through some of the thoughts and feelings your having. They may also be able to help you find some coping strategies for when you ever experience flashbacks. If you haven’t called them yet do you think this is something you would consider?

I also wanted to share some resources we have around sexual assault here which you might find helpful to have a read through, including this one here that explains the impact sexual assault has on survivors which you might be able to relate to.

Thank you for letting us know that you have spoken to lifeline and for letting us know that you are safe tonight. It sounds like you have some great self-care tonight by listening to some music and spending time with your pet. What kind of pet do you have?

Take care.

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