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Hi @loser_geek_whatever 


It sounds like you've been through a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and confused in this situation. It's not uncommon for feelings to fluctuate, especially when you're navigating friendships and potential romantic interests.


Firstly, please know that it's okay to feel the way you do. It's natural for emotions to ebb and flow, and sometimes they can be influenced by external factors or even by our own desires to fit in or conform to expectations. It's also common to have mixed feelings, especially when there's pressure from friends or mutual acquaintances.


What's important now is to be honest with yourself and with him. It's commendable that you've recognized your own feelings and are willing to confront them. It's crucial to communicate openly and respectfully with him about where you stand. While it might feel uncomfortable or even daunting, honesty is the best policy in situations like these.


You mentioned that you value your friendship with him, and that's a great starting point. Let him know that while you appreciate his feelings, you're not ready for a romantic relationship at the moment. Reassure him that you still value his friendship and hope to maintain that connection. It's possible that he may need some time to process this, but ultimately, being upfront and sincere will lead to a healthier outcome for both of you.As for why your feelings for him have been inconsistent, it could be due to various factors such as timing, personal growth, or simply realizing what you truly want in a relationship. Remember, it's okay for feelings to change, and it's all part of the journey of self-discovery.


Take your time to reflect on your own feelings and priorities, and don't be too hard on yourself for the way things have unfolded. Trust your instincts and stay true to yourself. In time, things will settle, and you'll find clarity moving forward 💛

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