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Hi @utgard

I'm sorry to hear that you are distressed but can't explain what is going on without feeling guilty asking for help. This is something a lot of people experience and are often hesitant to seek support. It is okay to feel scared and uncertain especially when you are still trying to understand it yourself. But it is also okay to reach out for help, you have made the first steps by coming on here asking for help. 


Could you possibly write these internal thoughts and what going through your head down, to keep track of them? It could help you feel less distressed and with these, you could potentially bring it to your therapist when you feel comfortable and just say you've been experiencing this for a while but haven't been able to explain the issue. This way your therapist might be able to help you break them down without you having to articulate them and support you before it becomes a physical problem. 


If this problem is something that making lifestyle changes can help, try them and make them small. Whether these are things like sitting outside for 15 minutes to help get vitamin D, going for a walk, reducing screentime and even things like journaling. This could help reduce some of the distress around the issue until you feel comfortable enough to ask for support or speak to your therapist about it. 


You have already taken the first step by asking for help here, which takes a lot of courage and strength. You are not alone and there are plenty of resources and the forums are here if you need them. 


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